Cafe operation system
기획부터 완성까지 고객의 니즈에 맞는 카페통합운영시스템으로 성장합니다.
Step. 1 Counseling
We design proposals and spaces that focus on our customers' needs and the essence of coffee.
Step. 2 Preference
We provide consulting for the selection of economical and efficient cafe equipment.
Step. 3 My own coffee
We create menus that can be branded from small quantity production to mass production (OEM, ODM).
Step. 4 Efficient bar
We present creative designs with your own ‘atelier’.
Step. 5 Partners
We grow together with our partners through a collaborative process.
Step. 6 Maintenance
We approach our customers' projects sincerely with a sense of ownership and continuously maintain and manage them.
FRC system
원두커피 정기구독 시 전자동 커피머신 렌탈서비스와 커피 관련 장비에 특화된
엔지니어팀이 무상 A/S서비스, 추출량 점검, 청소 관리, 정기 점검 등의 토탈 케어 서비스를 제공합니다.
문의 1899-0820